How precise is your project planning? How satisfied are you with your organisation's utilisation of resources? And how can PPM support optimal resource utilisation? We dedicate the following blog post to the profile of the learning project organisation.
Every project organisation, regardless of its agile maturity, faces similar challenges. It is necessary to create forward-looking project plans, allocate resources, manage them as the project progresses, find optimal solutions across the entire project portfolio in the event of changes and coordinate them with all stakeholders. Professional project management is also characterised by the fact that learning from ongoing work flows into the further development of the project organisation. In many organisations, all of this is still managed with Excel sheets and personal communication, which means a lot of administrative work and, due to a lack of transparency, usually does not contribute to an optimal use of resources.
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The complexity of project management and the continuous improvement of resource utilisation in particular can be managed consistently, dynamically, in real time and across roles and departments with PPM solutions.
The following advantages of PPM software contribute to the replacement of Excel as the dominant working tool in modern project organisations:
With PPM, you enter the digital era of project management. What cannot be mastered with Excel becomes your new working standard with PPM:
Why, despite all the advantages, has PPM not yet become more widespread in project organisations? Our thesis is: Professional PMOs are simply used to their existing, long-standing work processes and structures. Transferring these to PPM and moving to new ways of working therefore initially seems laborious. However, thanks to cloud solutions, the parallel use of PPM and existing tools is possible and has become a very attractive option for digital development for many organisations. It is not only organisations with internal project management challenges that have come to recognise and appreciate the benefits of using PPM to make the best possible use of resources.
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If you would like to learn more about optimising resource utilisation with ServiceNow , we invite you to explore our multimedia resource library or arrange a live demo with our consultants.
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